Friday, September 2, 2011

adventure day

today, instead of being assigned groups and being asked to follow the same route as everyone else in our crew, we got to pick our own groups and were given suggestions. new bestie laurie and i took our liberties. but we ended up by the tate britain, parliament and regent's park. it was lovely.
parliament. so ornate and beautiful to me.

so happy. finally eating at a quaint cafe in camden.
my delicious falafel wrap with house made hot sauce.
obligatory. now its out of the way. and the best thing? i don't think anyone saw me take this picture.

i love city living. i have always wanted to live in a city. i just never thought my first would be on a different continent.


wsb said...


madeline said...

my sentiments exactly.

brittna said...

haha!! sooo glad no one saw you bein all touristy american! i'm jealous of you