this weekend was great. birthday party for roommates L and CA on thursday. over 70 in attendance. a little nutsy, but fun. friday night was the benefit concert at velour. i have a new found love for archer's apple. great local band. saturday had a mini reunion with old bestie S and dropped off junk at DI. babysat with roommate L for her niece and nephews. i had a great little conversation with baby I.
I: do you have a boyfriend?
me: nope. i don't have a boyfriend.
I: oh...
me: do you want to be my boyfriend?
I: NO!
me: why not??
I: i'm too young!
me: so, when you're older, do you want to be my boyfriend?
I: NO! you'll be a grandma by then!
oh really. ha. it made me laugh.
sunday was a great day. i really recieved some important revelation during sacrament meeting. we split our relief societies and i had a meeting with my co-chair and we have some great plans. slept on the boy's love-sac. thank you K, B, and C. went to the fireside and ward prayer. and got to see old roomie K. twas a great couple days.