Saturday, December 6, 2008

dumb thumb dumb thumb

yeah, i cut it again. it was really really dumb. i was headed down a set of stairs and the first step came sooner than anticipated. therefore i was surprised and grabbed the banister. which was unfortunately covered in chicken wire and it cut my thumb right open. yes it was painful, again. and yes it was bleeding. not quite as bad as before though. just very upsetting. because my nerves are again exposed and they hurt like a mother. good-bye use of right thumb for the next week and a half.


MotherBeck said...

why in the heck was the bannister covered in chicken wire? I smell a law suit...

brittna said...

ha ha ya- where were you? Is it still paisley thumb?! And p.s. my date was the bomb fo sheezy! (just in case you wanted to know)

madeline said...

i was at the chick show at sego. gallery stroll last night. there were a bunch of little drawings of chicks all over the place being hung up on chicken wire. super ridiculous.

Katie M said...

omg that sucks.

i think your post title shoudl have been...

"dumb dumb dumb dumb THUMB!" you know, like that scary tune? dum da dum dum DUM!

i'm tired.