Saturday, November 17, 2007


how anyone gets anything accomplished in an airport, i do not know. the people watching is just overwhelmingly available. i could not write things down fast enough. there was a woman with a small boy. just learning how to walk. she was on the phone and pushing her rolie bag like a stroller. and her son was holding onto the bag and walking next to it. pretty funny. then an old man saw it and laughed. was trying to get his wife's attentiona but couldn't. he was looking back and forth between his wife and the baby. once he realized he had no chance in getting his wife's attention, he just stared with a smile at the baby... i enjoyed watching it all.
the same older couple, as i was walking out of san fran airport, was walking in front of me. as we were going up the escalator and he was worried about losing his wife. so he grabbed the collar of her jacket. really cute.
also, airports are a pain now... don't wear belts when flying... or shoes... or jackets... or bring your computer...

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