In the last annual year I finished student teaching, and college all together, transitioned my life to a new city, traveled yet again to my beloved Ecuador, and started a career in Art Education. I've also watched sooooooo much Netflix.
I feel the effects of growing up in a real sense. My adult life is consistent. I just moved in to a beautiful room with a bay window. I ride my bike to school and back. I use my evening time to make art and connect with people I love via phone or email. I've been trying to take pictures of the things I see every day so that I can appreciate them and remember them when, one day, I'm in a different phase of life, and the one I'm in now will be only a memory.
Things I've seen from my bicycle seat:
Night rides with old friends when they visit. I love how much my city sleeps.
Chesapeake Bay (Not actually from a bike ride)
Almost home.
On the bike path.
I've also been trying to fill my time with quality art. Or rather, quality hand crafting. I taught myself some needle point. And I decided that my art can be happy and silly and still have meaning. I feel like the art program at BYU, as community filled and wonderful as it is, focuses on art that should be powerful and illuminating, rather than simple or pleasant. I think it has the potential to be good art, and also be funny.