Thursday, April 7, 2011

the blog-o-sphere

i have been out of touch for a while, not because of the 18 month sabbatical [btw, i have been home 8 months as of monday of this week], but because my school work has been taking over my life. i didn't check my email or facebook for 3 whole days. i came back and eventually got to my google reader. [ps- how are facebook and google not in the online dictionary? its 2011 people. get that squiggly red line out from under those words.] i found 15 new posts for me to read! i try to stay on top of my reader. i like knowing about people. but 15 seemed outrageous. anyway, among them were posts from friends and family. sibs and cousins and roommates and just friends. let this be my way of saying, thanks for your friendship. thanks for being part of my life, and thanks for sharing your photos and families with me. i like reading your blogs.
much love, guys. much love.

1 comment:

Angie said...

soooo....because I was sitting behind you vs next to you in class today, I saw you on your blog, and I thought, "Oh my gosh--she has a blog!! Why don't I follow it?? I love following blogs!!" PS your blog post that said marriage is the leading cause of divorce made me straight up laugh out front of lots of you girl. :)