Wednesday, June 24, 2009

quote of the week: "DRUGS!"

good ol' sister porath didn't know about the tennis shoes on the telephone wire thing and when we told her that meant there was a drug dealer nearby, we kept our eyes out for the several pairs hanging in our area. we were driving to little egg the other day and there is a pair right over route 9. she points her finger straight in the air, and with a great big grin on her face says, "DRUGS!" its was classic.

this week has been really really great. we have 3 new investigators. they are amazing. and quite a few potentials. when we tract, we always meet people that want us to stop back, and after we do that a few times they either send us away, or let us in. its been pretty effective.

we had an exchange with the sisters serving in cape may this week. cape may was nice, sister porath went there and one of the sisters stayed with me. she had already served in this branch and all she wanted to do was stop by people she knew. but we had work to do, and i was very glad that i got to go back to my dear sister porath. i love her. i honestly could go another transfer here and with her. we want to. but four transfers is a little outrageous. but transfers aren't for another 2 weeks. lets not get ahead of ourselves. back to the exchange, there was much to be discussed about the exchange, and sister porath and i had a solid hour drive back to our area, so we kinda got right into it. we lost track of where we were, and ended up in toms river. its only the next ward north of us, but still, it took us probably an extra hour to get home... a little embarassing, but probably necessary. it had been an eventful day.

lets see... things are good here. OH! i have to appologize apparently. several people have mentioned my comment about the "man's club" thing. listen, a mission is totally different for sisters. TOTALLY! we don't get to have as many "mission buddies" as the elders. and it was a comment in the heat of the moment. at that time i emailed right after zone conference. so, enough about that. get over it.

i don't have many letters to write this week. but i got a great letter form grandpa owie [thatcher- for all you non-family members]. the beginnings of the little moss lake chronicles. he is such a great writer. and to be honest, i'm a little sad to be missing the action. i do love the northern woods, and i'll miss the vacay, even if it does take place at a swamp. i also got a letter from grandma. haha, i sure hope everyone is aware of the fox living in her backyard. hahaha, apparently it hunts under the window sills for birds that "commit suicide" by flying into the windows, even if grandma has a black hawk taped up on the window to scare them away... it was an entertaining letter.

i love you all so very much. thank you for your support and love. i hope to hear from you soon. thank you for the journal and the COOKIES! what a joy. very simple pleasures in missionary life.
keep praying for missionary opportunities!
love love love love love
sis m

1 comment:

Whitney Bonnett Taylor said...

oh my I didn't know you had a mission blog! yahoo! I"m going to be reading it now! Sounds like the mission is going great! I didn't know that about the shoes over the telephone wire either.