Wednesday, May 21, 2008

by proxy

i've been listening to a lot of npr lately, and today there was a segment on the issue of the Catholics and the Mormons. The Catholic church recently issued a letter to all bishops in the united states, advising them not to allow the Mormon church to take deceased members records for geneology purposes. the issue was that of proxy baptism. baptism for the dead. if Catholics don't believe in Mormon baptism, what does it matter? a bunch of Catholics that called in were butt-hurt about their ancestors being baptised. honestly, i can understand. sort of. but wouldn't you want your loved ones to have options? IF your church is wrong, and mine HAPPENS to be right, wouldn't you want your family to be in good standing? we are not trying to offend anyone, we are not trying to question other people's beliefs. all we are doing is what we know as the work of the Lord. Don't judge. Don't hate. Your dead ancestors know more than you do so just let us do our thing and we'll let you do yours.

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