Tuesday, December 11, 2007


or, so you think you can dance, for all you non-believers. here is our trip in a nutshell. jules, britt and me. all the way baby!!!
just so you know... we only took about 20 pictures like this. and yes, the car is fine.
britt and her silly attempts at taking good pictures...me and britt's nasty mc nast nast feet. so gross...
jules at the wheel. thats right. she's singing. out loud. what else do you do on road trips??
we all look soooooo cute!! whoo hoo ichiban!!
tapanyaki yah!the shirt poses. each shirt has a different pose. so we did em.
sunset on the salt flats. could you ask for a better end? i think not.

jules+britt+me+amigo+high society+sytycd= BEST WEEKEND EVER!!! love you girls!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I have very good feelings about all of this.

High fives for road trips!