Wednesday, January 9, 2013

another year

first, another year is a great movie.  sorta slow, but nice. i enjoyed it.

so now, my take on the old one and a brief talk about the new one.

in the last year, as a general rule, i have felt pretty unhappy.  there were moments of greatness, but for the majority, i was struggling.  spiritually, mentally, emotionally.  i wanted 2012 to be a year of progression and of learning and growth.  while i have definitely progressed, it hasn't been in ways i was expecting.  and maybe not as prolific as i was hoping. still, it has been productive.  but mostly, i'm glad its over.

in the last few days i have begun to feel hope like i haven't felt before.  not an immense hope for great things or impressive changes.  but a simple peace about my future that i can really appreciate. i feel better about my life and where i'm headed.  i feel good about my anticipated profession and career.  and while i have exciting things semi-planned for the the year ahead, i know that whatever needs to happen will happen.  and i can handle it.  i just hope i can remember this sensation and bring it back when i'm days away from my final show.

yesterday's birthday celebration made me really happy to know i have so many fantastic people in my life.  so many of them.  i felt loved and cherished and i'm sort of in awe of the effect.  sometimes i hate the word grateful, just because of it's usage, but i think it's precisely what i feel.  indebted.  forever.  to the people i love, because i know they love me back.

here's the only pic i took last night.  one year ago these girls and i were becoming roommates.  one is married, one is going on a mission.  what a difference a year makes.