we did bronze casting in my sculpture fundamentals class. i volunteered on the first day to help "pour". whatever that meant. on
thursday he told us if i screw up, people die. yeah. so, i got all dressed up yesterday in my welding jacket, thermal jacket, thermal chaps,
brian draper's old leather boots[one size too big] and tied my hair back with
angela's extra hair-tie[shout out to you
angela]. i then put on my face shield, and big leather mittens. with
brian's help, lifted the liquid hot bronze out of the kiln, and we poured it into the
sprews* everyone made for their pieces. needless to say, i have the COOLEST major on the planet! i love my classes.
*for those of you unfamiliar with casting, you create your piece out of wax, then you attach it to a "
sprew" in which there is a cup and ventilation system so you can actually pour the bronze in. you then cover all the wax up with "slurry" and roll it in sand. repeat multiple times. then you melt out the wax and paper cup in another kiln, and you're ready to pour. oh